
That's it. A year just passed, and here i am sitting in my dorm, watching from my window all those fireworks blazing, exploding, dazzling the sky.

I got no one to party. No one accompanying me.

That's all. Happy new year all!

  • 2
    @EDWCode okay then.

  • 7
    Fuck parties. Keep calm and keep coding
  • 5
    Your never alone here on devrant ;-).
  • 4
    Join the club 🙂

    (Also we really need "join the club over TCP/IP", we'd be party gods in no time! 😁)
  • 4
    @wowotek Happy New year. Stay awesome. Don't let the fact that nobody is with you on this particular night make you feel bad. It's "just" a night like so many others.
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