
What is good about Java and JVM...

Src: https://anadea.info/blog/...

  • 23
    Shouldn't this be marked as joke/meme?
  • 5
    sim cards in our cell phones are running on a java version from the 90ties 🙃
  • 14
    Sponsored post.
  • 9
    What worries me, is why this is your first post
  • 4
    @EV-EV It's because I saw an old thread about some cons of java (this one https://devrant.com/rants/351100/...) and this reminded me that it also has some pros. That's it!
  • 4
    Honestly I'd love all of those things in a language. What most people complain about with Java is the language and VM being unwieldy, bloated, too much OOP, uses too much ram, etc.
  • 6
    Most of those advantages come from the JRE/JVM platform and arent necessarily dependent on the language you use. If I had two brain cells left I'd learn Kotlin, but my head is stuck in Rust right now
  • 1
    @tokumei Oh, thanks! Before you wrote this I started to suspect that I'm the last fan of java :)
  • 3
    EmBeDEd sYStEms

    Yeah... try instaling java on atmega...
  • 1
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  • 2
    I mean im a fan of java, bit this just says its the universally best language, which is not true. It has its place.
  • 2
    Correction: What java/jvm is used* for.
    Whether its good or not is subjective.
  • 5
    Java is a favorite in enterprise deployments, in which, in my own 18 years of experience, it is uniformly and universally terrible. Massive CPU and memory use, and always so unstable that its processes need to coaxed up and down by oncall app admins for reboots.
  • 1
    "High Performance" 🤣
  • 1
    @Frederick i prefer using javascript for embedded. [/sarcasm]
  • 0
    Now replace the word Java for Python in that image and we are done.
  • 1
    Yeah intelligent IDE, only when you have supercomputer to run it, looking at you android studio
  • 0
    @irene Of course it's not the best but micropython it's good for some applications (take this comment from an electronic guy that hate high level languages).
    At least it's better than Java.
  • -1
    @LuxARTS wow didnt kno jvm compiles python into machine code mate shut the fuck up
  • 1
    @ganjaman You didn't get the joke. Read again.
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