I decided to write a diss article in Medium about SJWs because I'm kinda sick and tired of them

drafto linku: https://medium.com/@capuccino/...

enjoy uwu, feedback appreciated!

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    . <- to get notified, once a triggered SJW comments on your article
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    Skimmed through it and tbh the biggest issue is the lack of sources demonstrating that you aren't just yelling at clouds
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    @inaba I would cite the sources but then again for the sake of peace of mind for those whom it may be concerned, I decided to reduce it to a vague citation. I'll try to find them again however if it really satisifes you
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    @caramelCase it would help you a lot to demonstrate whatever the actual issue is, and weather or not it is actually an issue. Otherwide you just seem like an idiot.

    Or actually you won't because it seems like people pause their critical thinking skills when it comes to complaining about tje warriors whose justice is social :v
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    There should be more opposition to SJWs in the open source, and generally to censorship everywhere.
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    Is this related to the LGBT issue caused by one of the contributor's personal opinion on Twitter?
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    @asgs pretty much

    I forgot the project issue but it was in my head and I should citate it
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    I read through your articles and these are a few point that could be inproved:

    “ I was highly disappointed of what they’re trying to do”

    You start with was which is past then use ’re which usualy refers to are.

    Either put both verbs in present or replace ‘re with were.

    Also, sjw might not be understood by all,i think using the full term just at the beginning is safe dor any reader who is unfamiliar with the topic (have to be inclusive ya know ;))

    “has a common sense” common sense is not singular its general so one person has common sense rather than a common sense, thus in your case “have common sense”.

    Towards then end you say that you will proove a point, but, you use a “i know some one that...”. Im not sure this prooves anything as it is unverifiable. If some one was to write a response to you, that is an opening that has no defense and you would automatically loose credibility.
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    Please write another one about all the harassment you will get
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    I see a post against SJW, I immediately ++.
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    Also, good read.
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    @Santaclauze thanks for the feedback, would defo rewrite it later!
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    @Fast-Nop there we go! Thanks for the kind help!
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    @caramelCase there are a few typos in the post ("Personal opnions", "To quoth").

    “Your existence offends me, can we ban him from doing anything?” should be "His existence offends me" (and I'll add a /her on both parts).

    Then, as @Santaclauze said, you switch from past to present (and viceversa) in you sentences. I know it is a minor thing, and everyone can understand what you mean, but it is quite disturbing and it ruins the lecture, which is bad, considering the interesting topic.

    The "repo I won't name" is something you MUST change. You are writing serious things about a serious topic, but that sentence sounds really childish and throws the seriousness of it in the trash. (IMHO).

    Finally, I'll add some source/example, otherwise you'll seem just an angry person yelling against sjw's (as @inaba said)

    Except those point, interesting article. ;)
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    @taglia and it should probably also be noted that sources aren't just statements about "this thing happened" but actual places people can go and read for themselves. Links to primary sources and such are the best,dont just link to articles saying "this happened" without sources as well
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    @inaba Already done, cited and rewritten, give it a lookie and see how it turned out
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    @taglia Rewritten! Thanks for the kind feedback
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