
Taking care of your skin once a week, won't give you better skin.

Just like eating a healthy meal once a week, won't make you skinny.

Changes and improvements take time, effort, but most of all consistency.

  • 4
    Eating whether healthy/unhealthy meal once a week make you skinny.

    I dare you to try it out. :3

    Just don't eat any other meals for that week.
  • 2
    Lotion before bed.
    Not crappy lotion; that feels like it works but doesn't do anything.

    If you don't eat well, add a veggie for each meal. After you're used to that, remove or lessen a greasy or sweet ingredient. Small, gradual changes!

    For exercise:
    Tell yourself you'll do 10 pushups/situps/etc. every day. You'll very likely do more than that because starting is the hardest part. The same works for writing (50 words) and cleaning (one small area).

    The real secret to improving yourself is small goals. That's it!
  • 1
    @Root one step at a time. 🕺
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