
Proceeds do install docker on Windows.
> Reboot loop

  • 6
    There’s a reason you don’t hear of people using docker on windows.

    It rarely ends well.
  • 3
    On windows 7 it work quite good. I know there are issues with windows 10 and hyper-v.
  • 1
    Was useless to me on Windows 10 — had to uninstall.
  • 1
    I use docker on windows and never had a reboot problem like that, it’s only a VM with the docker client pointing to it (if lcow) dont really use the windows container side of it
  • 1
    Never had a single issue with hyperv either and run docker for Windows as a manager and 2 alpine Linux vms as workers for my dev environment
  • 1
    Oh and as for your issue, boot into recovery console and goto cmd prompt type bcdedit /enum to list your windows then type bcdedit /set {install id} hypevisorlaunchtype off this will stop docker loading as it will disable hyper v
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