
'Quantum' is going to be the next buzzword after the trend of AI and Blockchain is over.

  • 16
    after? no, no .. we'll have a quantum neural blockchain python library that runs on a javascript transpiler on nodejs, wears a hoodie and shuts down your home electricity to give you a truly dark theme ... oh and it's in the cloud for good measure
  • 3
    @irene too late? It is already a thing.
  • 0
    @Charon92 @xalez no more pls 😂
  • 2
    All these things are useful and have value independently of the hype some managers create around them.
  • 2
    Quantum machine learning blockchain AI crypto-currency
  • 1
    I remember about reading about neutrino networking and inter-galactic network protocols at one time.

  • 4
    I am hoping for robots doing my laundry, don’t care about the naming.
  • 2
    Don't forget to add the mention of metamaterials and graphene for the hardware
  • 1
    @irene Well their domain is narrow right now, and by no means are they suitable for widespread use right now. But all of them have the potential to be used much more when they mature,like many technologies that are usual now.
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