

I just switched jobs, so there are no vacation days for me, besides the usual.

PM: "Are you returning for work on January 2nd?"

Me: "Yeah, but I'm kinda new at the company here, so I'll be available 26-28 if you want to reach me"

PM: "Screw those days. Nobody will be here anyways, you can take those off for me."

Me: "(cries in Spanish)"

  • 3
    @irene that sucks. I wouldn't mind if I had to work to be honest. Just make the day enjoyable :)
  • 2
    Im also starting the 2nd of January although they wanted me from next Monday.. Fortunately the sales department said it was better if I started in January otherwise I would be there three days with a weird week around it.
  • 0
    And here I am with no vacation at all, I could take days off but that means no payment for those days.. * cries in corner *
  • 0
    What's the problem with having two extra free days?
  • 0
    @CoffeeNcode thanks! I'm loving the app and the idea behind it :)
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