Can someone explain this lmao ? 😂

  • 1
    8.1 is API 27 I think.
  • 2
    lol but it says Target 8.0 and requires minimum 9.0 😂
  • 5
    I think the target API is what the app compiles with and minimum version is just an installation restriction. 9.0 is backwards compatible with 8.0, so it works but there shouldn't be a reason to do so.
  • 0
    @joas That's what i am thinking 😂 it should be opposite
  • 4
    "but it's backwards compatible!"
  • 0
    @linuxxx oO understood, i got it wrong :P
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    @YashGarg ah didn't notice that part.
  • 0
    Target sdk version 26 and min os version 28? Maybe
  • 1
    Target API 28 is required to upload an apk to playstore so they have to target minimal version 28. Min 30 they need to use a specific 30ish feature. But they don't want to support the full 30 API.

    Got it?
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