Programming is also a 9 to 5 job... 21:00-5:00

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    Why do so many of us enjoy working at night??
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    like glue, always very difficult to let go once you begin especially debugging
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    @koukou because our brains are technically wired for biphasic sleep
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    @tisaconundrum this. And because there's no wild idiot appearing or just plainly stupid stuff going around, distracting and stuff. Just you and the <insert work>.

    Not only coders do that :P
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    After giving up on my hacked crypto account over 2 weeks ago, I came across J i m F u n d s R e c o v e r y at C o n s u l t a n t   C 0 M recommendation about crypto recovery on a blog, I slide in and file a complaint to them about how my account was hacked by fake investment platform, I sent my hacked wallet address and other evidence to them as requested. Well, let me cut this short. Within a few days of sending the required info, I gained access to my account with my coins intact.
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