
I had the dream of working as web designer in Berlin.
You know: techno partys, hedonistic lifestyle and cheap living.
I applied and flew over and got some Interviews.

Arrived at the agency situated in a beautiful broad avenue in a villa at the Olympia Stadion. I was greeted by 2 loud small dogs and nobody else was there. So i waited an half an hour.. and another one...
I notice their company code of conduct nicely framed on the wall. You know what is written on the first place?

"We value peoples time therefore we're punctual."
"We are cosequent"

So after two hours waiting they came. They were pretty stressed out and neded another 45 minutes to get ready to interview me. So they sat at the table telling me excuses. And i pointed at the frame and they suddenly got very bleak in their faces. I stood up and left after 3 hours of waiting. πŸ˜†

Sadly no Berlin for me.

  • 15
    I'm sure someone in Berlin has their shit together.
  • 10
    @bahua As a swiss i'm spoiled anyways. I can hardly understand how germans can live with 2000 euros a month. Since 4000 euros is considered low wage in Switzerland. So berlin would be more like an holiday with barely the expenses covered.
  • 3
    @heyheni have you ever been in Italy? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 5
    @dmonkey si certo! i love milan. It's like the whole world in one city. China town, little libanon, little Senegal.
    And italians brought their cuisine and a little bit of italiana to our stiff protestant work oriented culture to switzerland after the war. Fantastic.
  • 0
    hey @skayo i'm too lazy to open a discord account. But scientists are now able to predict the future with a deep learning algorythm. For example how flames will burn, the weather will evolve or if a heart stroke will occur.
    Do you think this is devnews worthy? πŸ™‚

    quanta magazine - Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos
  • 5
    As an American who visited Berlin to see if the grass is greener. It isn't.

    It smells like a sewer and the lack of Chicago style hot dogs is a crime against humanity.

    People were nice enough though. I just wished I had felt like less of a tourist.
  • 1

    Hate to burst your bubble, but, apart from a single stand, Chicago-style dogs are nonexistent even in Denver, let alone Berlin. I grew up in Illinois, so I know what you're talking about, and I know, from 22 years living outside IL, that they don't make it far from there.
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    @bahua @starrynights89 what Hot Dog is worth making a scene on devRant? 😊

    Hot Dogs are a sad story in europe with the exception of scandinavia.

    Here in switzerland they sell you a half Baguette and use Ketchup to let the thin wiener sausage glide into the pressed hole. This leads always to a thick chunk of pressed bread at the end of the baguette. Very unapatizing.
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    @starrynights89 @bahua can,t you make your own god dammend chicago style hot dogs wherever you are?

    I am sure there are recipes all over the internet, hell, open a stand on berlin and see why they are not popular.

    I have found real tacos and real chicharron burritos in berlin, I am certain you can find anything ther.
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    You need the Vienna Beef dogs. Their availability falls off sharply as you drive away from Chicago.
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    @bahua Vienna is the keyword.
    I have had vienna sausages in berlin airport, have seen it as souvenirs in frankfurt, along with other sausage styles.

    I bet you can get better Vienna dogs while closer to vienna.
  • 0
    Wow man, so much effort to be interviewed. We do it all remotely at CodersFirst. Like you take a quiz (30 min.) then you have a tech interview (2 hrs) and that's it. You go directly to FINAL interviews with your fav companies.
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