
Can anyone share their thoughts/opinion about jQuery?

I'm already using jQuery but I always have a doubt in my mind that using this library cause to lessen the performance or slow our webapps.

And also I was planning to use native Javascript rather than jQuery can also anyone share their thoughts/opinion what are the things I should consider when using native Javascript?

  • 4
    It's not terrible and it's often just a punching bag for when people want to gatekeep and be elitist about web dev.

    What you want to avoid is importing it for the sole reason of using its syntax for things that are just as easy to do with native JS, like selecting dom elements or assigning event handlers. Importing the entire library for one piece of unneccesary cosmetic fluff isn't great either.

    All that said, if you are going to be working with web frontend you will want/need to learn native JS regardless. You'll quickly start to appreciate the cleanest, most minimal solution.
  • 0
    Wow I was expecting a little more on this thread, I don’t use it myself but the size/performance is a relatively mute issue as most users will already have jquery cached and since jquery came out browsers have come on leaps and bounds, like Itlain says above, the question more is do you need jquery?
  • 3
    Its shit because many people think jquery isnt javascript.
    Stackoverflow only supplies jquery answers
    I rarely see an application using most of its power. This makes it bigger than necessary
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    Most of the time I only use jQuery for DOM and Ajax, but other libraries that we use also uses jQuery :3
  • 1
    It has its place and I still use it, simply because I don’t have the time or resources to rewrite entire front ends to work on something “newer”, it still works well and keeps up, and I haven’t had a cross browser issue in years.

    But as @ltlian said, if you use it for the sake of capturing DOM and running Ajax requests you probably don’t need it, or any framework for the matter.

    But at the end of the day, the end user wouldn’t know the difference anyway, so as long as you keep the request times down, who cares.
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    jQuery had its place, but these days there’s no excuse for using it. There, I said it. You can write an Ajax method in 10 lines max, and DOM traversal is super easy using document.querySelector() 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 3
    jquery is a Javascript framework.

    It does what most frameworks do...

    Solving compatibility issues, simplifying common tasks and enforcing a specific type of programming (due to being a framework, duh)....

    I really don't get why so many Javascript frameworks exist (including Jquery) after a lot of compatibility problems are solved... Nor why it seems that JS solves everything (using JS as MVC eg)...

    But I've given up on that topic since JS is spreading Like STDs in a heavy gangbang bukkake flashmob
  • 1
    Its the kind of thing u use, when sth 'has to be done in an incredibly short time' and u dont know how to do that. In that case JQuery is ur friend. But I couldnt recommend, using it in big projects.
  • 1
    Well, welcome to 2013
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    Do I also need to consider supporting multiple browser if I use native Javascript?

    Btw thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
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