Booted Hackintosh today on my laptop today. Proud moment.

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    @theKarlisK yes please
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    @theKarlisK hahahaha..
    @wowotek sure.
    Okay let's see:
    1. No I didn't choose a specific machine. Just used the one I have (it's a Dell Inspiron 15).
    2. I created a bootable flash drive using a VM image (so was a 6GB+6GB download).
    3. Performed A LOT of experiments to get to the installer itself. Failed. 2 days worth of work.
    4. Followed a guide by RehabMan from tonymacx86.com. I got a ready made configuration file for my motherboard+graphics combination.
    5. Sacrificed already installed Debian and Windows (yes, a clean wipe).
    6. Somehow managed to install Mojave.
    7. Then booted only to find out that the Intel WiFi chipset I have cannot work whatsoever because there's no support for it. Anywhere.
    8. Keyboard layout is bugged. Audio doesn't work properly.

    So... Yeah.. there's that. That's why I used "booted". But I'm proud and happy. And will uninstall it pretty soon after trying some fixes.

    P.S of course I had to change my BIOS settings :p
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