*call from boss on the weekend*

Boss: hey, we have an important demo the next week, can you make that xyz changes (not big deal)

Me: okay, gimme 15 minutes

~30 minutes later~

Boss:still waiting tho
Me: *sending this:

  • 23
    If your normal updates take 30min your shit is just broken or massively underpowered, on shitty storage.
    Also tell your boss to fuck himself, you're working outside of working hours, it takes as long as it takes.
    You are fucking humans, not some marionette of some cooperate fucktard
  • 3
    That's what I'm gonna say
  • 8
    ProTip: take a photo the next time your PC does this, then have it at hand whenever you need it
  • 1
    🤗 Linux ... I make my update when i want
  • 2
    @Kimmax or he left it so long that windows forced a whole quarters worth of updates to keep him secure...

    People who don't update windows are like anti vaxxers
  • 1
    @seraphimsystems No, people that don't update are normal. Don't try to guilt trip normal people, it's not healthy for anyone.

    It's especially normal on Windows that shoves updates up your ass - not consensually.
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