
A normal day on my CMS as a Service...

URL: https://go to CMS
> Login screen: enter credentials, check checbox "remember me" (which doesn't remember you)
> redirected to SSO (single sign-on welcome page)
> Re-enter URL to go to CMS
> Fires up second browser on second screen, do the exact same things as above

--- Code editing
As it's a very modern CMS, you have to edit the code via the CMS using a bulky and honestly shitty editor (or rather: they didn't spend time configuring it to be at least semi-decent).

Plus default white horrible theme.

> Go to "/themes"
> Scroll all the way down the page
> Enter filename in search box
> Click the "Edit" button, which is a small button located right next to a much bigger red "DELETE" button. When you middle click (as I always open files in new tabs) on the DELETE button, it DELETES without confirmation. In such cases, you lose up to three days of work asking the providers to set it back up for you via their backup - and charge you for that. So sorry for deleting an *important* file
> Edit the file.
> Save the file - it takes 3 seconds. Upon saving, rescroll again to where you were in the code.
> On the other screen, refresh dev view of current template
> Wait 5 seconds
> If there are any special blocks, they all load via a semi-synchronous AJAX request (it's async, but they load one by one), the same time you waited to refresh your page.
> Notice you forgot adding some markup
> Re-edit the file, save...
> Enter credentials.
> Am not on the CMS, but on the SSO
> Navigate back to file
> Re-write new changes

--- Manager comes in:
I need to you edit XXX objects in DB Manager (a big PHPMyAdmin if you will)

> New tab, go to https://DB
> Although still connected on CMS, I have to re-enter credentials
> Am redirected to SSO
> Re-enter https://DB
> Find the object (20 seconds of loading)
> Find the appropriate field
> Find out the field is in fact another object located elsewhere
> Uff, thank goodness, there's a shortcut button to directly edit said elsewhere object
> Operates on elsewhere object + save
> Re-edits original object + save

:') painful much?

(for those who ask: yes i've got plenty of mind-reflexes in order to minimise losses)

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