Wierdest bugfix?

Mine is commenting out a console.log("Finished doing something);
(Yup. Just the string. And the log function was original. No fuckin idea why that fixed it)

  • 6
    String literal not closed.
  • 2
    Internet explorer does no longer have console.log unless you open debug console.

    We have had a couple of similar errors but you could have a script that checks if console is null or undefined and in that case supply a moch one to avoid errors.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop That would at least print out the code...
    Or say expected ' " ', not just stop everything and ignore all code including above it.
  • 1
    @Voxera It was firefox and I use debug logs all the time
  • 1
    @WIPocket not quite.

    If there is a parse error all code in the same script tag will be ignored but yes you should get some error.
  • 0
    For me it was doing an Sql select within a transaction
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