If you had 2 weeks dedicated to learn new things, what would you learn ?

  • 3
    Design, a looooot of design. Mostly 3D and Animation.
  • 3
    I'd learn bash/shell scripting to the extreme.
  • 2
    I'd finally learn uml properly. Do some hands-on with all design patterns I can find and make sure I can recognize all code smells and know how to clean each of them.
  • 1
    There's a sun saying holy shit. I think it's all said.
  • 5
    If resources and guidance are provided, I would like to learn Kamehameha.
  • 2
    Learn something useful, like software patterns, software engineering principles,
    Software architecture principles,...

    Or, if you want want some practical stuff, learn the basics of pattern recognition and machine learning. I am not talking about neural networks, I mean the mathematical approach to gain statistical features and classifiers.

    It's hard at the beginning, but after some time it is really fun 😅
  • 2
    I would learn how to make the payscale jump to manager without getting depressed that you are no longer making anything.
  • 1
    Learn to be happy
  • 1
    Flutter will do
  • 1
    I dunno man. Two weeks can just fly if you're surrounded by books. You can learn so much. And much of it wouldn't have any practical usage, until the day comes when it does..
  • 0
    Blockchain mainly for the word decentralisation fuck companies with centralised network doing something worth our data.
  • 0
    Hard do decide but either C++, Python or Dart (Flutter).
  • 0
    Unit testing :3
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