
Facebook 2FA:
Want to log in? Sure, authorize your login. Oh you've authorized it? Nah you can't get in. Log in again.
2FA, excellent technology, except when it's implemented by "move fast and break things" Facebook.

Facebook Marketplace:
Want to buy $listing? Sure, you can send a message to the seller to ask for details. Oh, you want to send them a message? Nah sorry, you can't send messages to this person. You'll have to go to their profile, send them a message there and do it not with our le fancy instant messages but by manually typing it in. Because you know, reasons. Message approvals or something like that probably. Because why on Earth would Facebook support its own ecosystem?!

Move fast and break things. And breaking things those certified enganeers at Facebook sure do. Fucking pieces of shit.

  • 4
    @-Tor might be right @condor 😅
  • 4
    @-Tor I'm using it like once or twice a week, so.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Oh btw in case it might help someone, I wrote this little script that can toggle Facebook and its brethren on and off when you (don't) want to use it. Requires root though.


    if [ -f ~/.fb_enabled ]
    su -c pm disable com.facebook.katana
    su -c pm disable com.facebook.orca
    su -c pm disable com.facebook.pages.app
    termux-toast "Facebook apps disabled."
    rm ~/.fb_enabled
    elif [ ! -f ~/.fb_enabled ]
    su -c pm enable com.facebook.katana
    su -c pm enable com.facebook.orca
    su -c pm enable com.facebook.pages.app
    termux-toast "Facebook apps enabled."
    touch ~/.fb_enabled
  • 4
    @-Tor oh damn, he’ll start keeping them closed on me now. Gone an ruined that for me.
  • 3
    @-Tor @C0D4 I have yet to see any evidence of that, from independently verifiable experiments using test accounts, where the test accounts are given a known dataset and account configuration. I'm pretty sure that none of the test subjects would have not a single bit of data exposed that they didn't explicitly or implicitly provide to Facebook and/or others.

    The fact that most Facebook users hand over their data on a plate with nametests and geotagging and overall being way too open about their lives isn't Facebook's fault. It's the users' fault for being hopelessly ignorant.

    Not only that, but intrusive features like AI-powered face recognition were explicitly asked for by Facebook. I've denied it, and for all I know, Facebook abided by that. On the other hand, take Apple for example where people's damn brassieres were analyzed without their consent (https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/...).

    I've got a lot to hate Facebook for, but "peeping Tom" privacy concerns in the way that Facebook would be spying on me isn't one of them. That being said however, I am concerned about Facebook storing messaging history in plain text. Given that a fair few of my friends are hackers of all kinds - whitehat, greyhat, blackhat and anything in between - I might very well be on some watchlists. Messaging history being what it is, I can't help but prefer that my friends would be using encrypted services instead. Not that plain text message history is exclusive to Facebook though, any messaging service that you can recall messages from on any device without being able to access a private key either locally (OpenKeychain etc) or remotely (WhatsApp, Signal etc) can be reasonably assumed to have the messages in plain text on their servers.
  • 1
    Weird, I hate Facebook-related things (especially their APIs) but never had any problems with 2FA.
  • 1
    Never had any of these problems while I still had Facebook
  • 1
    It took me serveral months to delete my Facebook account, because the password I enter to log myself is was apparently not the correct one to delete my account.

    Just Facebook things 🤷‍♂️
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