
Oops. Australia is suiciding its tech sector.


  • 1
    Maybe I already know what they are doing, but legal language is too hard to read for me...
  • 3
    Ooooh. “Covert warrant” meaning secret spying, but “remote search with warrant” is the tricky one... especially with “penalties” for non-compliance.

    They’re going to bump against encryption limits again and it’ll blow over. Unless they specifically make encryption illegal or back doors mandatory, I wouldn’t worry too much.
  • 3
    @Brolls with this bill they can impose significant penalties to companies that do not want to comply with the request for backdoors, regardless of any ongoing investigations. You don't even need to make encryption illegal at that point, you just force companies to add you as a man in the middle.
  • 1
    @endor and companies will stop serving those territories. It’s Australia, hardly a cray world power.
  • 3
    @Brolls True, between the shitty internet infrastructure, only 20M people, lack of globally significant IT companies, and lack of internet privacy, many companies simply don't bother coming to Australia.
  • 1
    Just think of all the half-assed firmware which vendors will ship on their "Australia versions"... and the testing effort that will go into them!
  • 1
    Australia has always had authoritarian tendencies. If they didn't have the Commonwealth keeping them in check they would have been violating people's privacy
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