It's almost 2019 and CRLF is still a fucking thing

  • 6
    Then get a proper editor that can deal with it, like Notepad++.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop notepad++ a proper editor RTFL
  • 4
    @sjzurek uuhhh yeah it doesn't look like 1970. Must be bad.
  • 2
    dos2unix internet://**

    I can't believe that nobody has figured this out yet.
  • 2
    Who's still using CRLF?
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme I do, given that I don't know the difference between CRLF and LF
  • 3
    @nothappy CRLF = carriage return + line feed (i.e \r\n)
    LF = line feed (just \n)
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme educational, thanks
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme everyone who wants to ensure compatibility across platforms and software
  • 0
    @620hun and yet, I've never had an issue with only using LF

    idk if that's just a case of "works on my machine", but i never had to use CRLF, not even on Windows. The only program i can think of that doesn't handle only LF as a line separator is notepad (and even that is changing now)
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme in my experience, it really is just notepad. problem is: just about everyone non technical doesn't realize that notepad is not the only text editor.

    "open a text editor."
    "a what? ... that thing? that's notepad. why don't you just say notepad then!"

  • 0
    Windows 10 October update solve this issue.. just sayin
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    @Krokoklemme Microsoft notepad
  • 3
    CRLF is still the "standard" line separator of text-based Internet protocols Like HTTP/IRC IIRC though most servers will accept both.
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