I want to do 3 things in life:

1. Learn new technologies and don't work at all just learning.
2. Play video games.
3. Eat without getting over weight.

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    Number 2 contradicts number 1.
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    @cherkie Not really .. no work = I can learn and I will have time to play.
  • 1
    And 1 contradicts everything else because of this fucked up modern
    slavery and working through our prime and participating in the sickening rat race.
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    2 and 3 I have succeeded. 1 as well I guess, I do work and get money for it, but its just doing what you love most is it still work?
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    @Codex404 I just can do 2 LOL
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    Hmm 3 is eating and pooping 20 minutes after eating. Its kinda annoying... I normally have to shit 3 times a day.
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    You know, the thing with neoliberal capitalism is that it's your job to self optimize your self. Without that we wouldn't force us to learn shitload of useless things so that we can buy useless products.
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    @rEaL-jAsE Pretty easy 🤣
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    I do all three, because I have a fast metabolism
  • 0
    Sounds like a plan
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