
Could not fucking sleep at all.

Spent the entire night in a combination of:

Weight lifting
Playing with NestJS(its fucking beautiful)
Watching seven deadly sins on Netflix(current fav anime)

And i am still not tired. Even then I am not in the mood for going to work.
Not sure if I want to risk it and drive there since I know I will be crashing at around noon.

I hate it when this happens.

During the week I would do crazy shit to try and get me to fall asleep.

I would wake up early. Work out, go to work, get back from work, kill myself at the gym and nope.

Still wide fucking awake.

To make it better, my stomach begins to act up and fucking kill me the more I don't sleep for some reason(although it could be related to me piercing my stomach years ago)

I really dislike being human. Such fragile bodies.

But yeah, NestJS is frickin amazing. Typescript is sexy as all hell with it. Just what i was looking for in terms of out of the box architecture for JS apps

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    Have you tried meditation before going to sleep?
    Your day sounds rather pushing than relaxing to me, eventhough I could need some regular workout habit too.
    When I have problems falling asleep I turn on the relaxing sounds app ("Sleep Sounds" by Relaxio) with a timer for 1 hour and it usually helps.

    I'll have to look into NestJS, thx mate!
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    I actually have stomach issues when I don't sleep for ~20+ hours myself. My body seems to start rejecting any food until I fucking sleep

    Anyways, sounds like hell man. Really hope shit works out
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    @PonySlaystation i have not bro, i should probably start getting into the habit of relaxing through meditation.

    I try to deplete my energy during the day, which is why I try to punish myself at the gym as much as I can. It normally does not work and it comes with the glory of crashing and burning out of the sudden.

    And I hope you like Next!! It solves many architectural questions regarding express backbends.
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    @infernalempress my stomach acts similar :( man I hate my stomach.

    Thanks for the good wishes man.
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    Seven deadly sins 😍 such a good anime!
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