
That #facepalm moment when the person you are interviewing has 2 years of experience, rates himself 8/10 in JAVA and doesn't know the difference between abstract class and interface!

  • 1
    Well shit happens, all of us have gaps in our knowledge. But I agree he needs take down a notch that confidence.
  • 1
    I was asked this question, I rated myself 5. There is always some shit you don't know. Java is vast.

    I have the same experience, 2 yrs.
  • 0
    @zemaitis that 8/10 was too much...Java is too vast
  • 0
    If I remember correctly, you dont have to override every single method in an abstract class and can actually implement some methods in the class already, whereas interfaces only state the method signatures that HAVE to be implemented/overriden in the implementing class. Did I get that right? 🤔
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