
So I quit my old job almost a year ago because of high stress and bad salary. The last day there was one of the happiest days of my career.
Now that I’ve enjoyed better pay, nicer work hours and zero stress for a year I am bored as hell. Thinking that I might need to change again just to get some stress going again (joke). Am I a horrible person? 😰

  • 1
    find things to improve?

    Introduce devOps, automate everything, learn about how service design improves your company.
    Become a manager.
  • 2
    I completely get you. I worked in a company with a mediocre pay and very high stress work. I was there for 5 years. Then I got this job in a small company where the pay was decent and absolutely 0 stress. I was there for little more than 2 years. I realized I'm becoming lazy as shit a and I'm losing my soft skills as an engineer. I changed my job again and now I work for a company with a good pay and decent stress with fast paced environment. I like the energy and we are having fun in the same time. So I hear ya. It happens. Don't lose your edge.
  • 0
    Where are you working?
    Are they hiring?

    My last day in this hell is coming up soon ~
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