
As it turend out, just after ranting about increasing my online security, I had an unapproved sign-in from Russia into my Netflix account about an 3h ago.

  • 15
    Lol my friend's Spotify was frequently accessed in France. His music always stops and french songs starts playing. And new french playlists on his library lmaoo
  • 6
    For me, this is 100% scary and 0% funny. I can't imagine what would I do if I found out that someone somewhere knows what my passwords are and can do anything with it...

    Oh, except for the Netflix, my whole family knows the password, so I expect new login from Maledivds in the near future.
  • 4
    Shitty password and shitty internet behaviors. Get kukd
  • 1
  • 1
    @careless did your friend not consider changing their password? 🤔
  • 0
    @620hun with netflix is not so easy.

    Password change and "disconnect everyone" request takes up to 8hrs.

    Src: I'm a netflix user
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