
Please wait for Windows to finish fucking up your system before powering it off

  • 2
    I installed windows 10 about 2 years ago I think... I bought a Pro license and instantly disabled all updates... I only ever install updates if fucking Visual Studio needs it for an specific stack... I have never had a single issue with windows updates because I'm smart enough to look at both sides of the road before crossing, more people should try.
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    @cobolplz it's a meme, mate. They are supposed to be exaggeratingly funny
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    @MohitC Chill out dude! I'm just fucking around
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    Please wait a few months more for windows to finish fucking up their October update before powering off
  • 0
    TeamSpeak. Me in channel with friend. Some time ago.

    Me: Gonna be back in a sec, just restarting because of performance.
    Windows: Would you like to install the security update XY?
    Me: Ah just a security update, why not.

    Windows at startup: Pls wait while we Upgrade to Anniversary Update.
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