
Who uses Cisco Webex Teams video conferencing? What's your opinion on webex?

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    We were using it in my previous work place, it was quite OK. I also liked the chat programme called Cisco Jabber
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    I've been forced to use it before and I absolutely hated it. Google Meet is similar but easier to use, although it's by Google so I can understand concerns there.

    We use Appear.in for meetings. It's low latency and pretty decent for a WebRTC chat. Peer based so it doesn't look like they store the video calls or even chat either.
  • 4
    We have it, although I like the conference calling part, the desktop client is just putrid, how someone decided a high contrast + white theme in one was a great idea?
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    Thank you all for sharing your mind on webex.

    The reason why I asked was that I have to draw up a A4 sized user manual. Which will be placed in the meeting rooms. Since last month we've got additional to google meet, Cisco WebEx.

    The google meet explanation fits comfortable on half of that A4 page.

    WebEx on the other hand needs two and a half sites just for the basics like hosting and joining. 🙈

    Nobody in our company knows how to use webex. And those for whom this system was intended, (upper management) started to use appear.in because WebEx is too damm complicated. 😆

    Our webex sysadmin today was slightly pissed when he found out about appear.in

    Ah yeah, office policy which ignores the expectation and user experience of our coworkers. 🙄
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