
Let it snow! let it snow! Let it snow! A christmas tree made only with css. Codepen: https://codepen.io/flavio_amaral/...

  • 3
    No Js. Damn.
  • 2
    @olback ahah love JS! this codepen was made by my brother with the goal being only css and html. Cheers
  • 2
    Impressive, both how far CSS went since I last did anything in it and work itself.

    Sadly it seems to put a lot of load on my CPU and laptop GPU; so much that cooling started to become really noisy.
  • 1
    @arraysstartat1 Thanks for the feedback, unfortunately we have already checked this problem, we think it is from the animation of the gradient although this is just an experience. We have in the surge that I think it improves a bit http://xmastree.surge.sh/
  • 1
    I read it like the Frozen song...
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