Anyone in Canada is using Fizz (by Videotron) as mobile services?
It's in beta right now, but you get normal plans that would cost around 60$ for 5-6$.

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    My friend moved there from Libya a month ago. He needs to save money as much as posible (I had to lent him money to get winter clothes). I will send this to him :) thanks
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    @Jilano I received the Sim card yesterday and activated it :3 So far so long, it works very well, and I don't see much difference between my old provider and Fizz. :)
    I'm particularly eager to pay the bill and see if it's reality or not haha. But yeah gonna cost me 7$ instead of 56$!

    @Codex404 I don't know where your friend is in Canada and if he's gonna stay all winter, but if he does and he's somewhere that gets as cold as in Quebec, tell him to get geared up for winter!! Here sometimes, it gets down to -40°C with lots of wind. It feels like -50 by times. Iz rally cold. Even for us. During those cold nights, police search for homeless people to take them to homeless shelters so they don't die over the night. :S It already happened in the past...
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    @Codex404 ok not as cold as Quebec, but still, can get very cold. Just warn him haha
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    @Jilano Hahaha when we're excited to pay our bills... And did you looked it up on the net or you know some French peeps living in Quebec? :P
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    @Jilano Haha nice, no typos indeed :3 Where're you from?
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    @Jilano wow... J'viens d'apprendre que vous surnommez la France Hexagone x) thx Google haha
    "The Hexagon (L'hexagone) is the nickname of France for French people. This is because the country is roughly six sided."
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    @Jilano Aucun nom ne me vient en tête en ce moment précis, à part l'hiver qui vient VRAIMENT de commencer avec ses -20°C qui sont pas si "frette" que ça, comparé à ce qui s'en vient vraiment haha.. Mais avec 20 minutes de marche pour aller et revenir de la job, j'avais ce meme là qui roulait en boucle tout le long dans ma tête hahahaha
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    Bien le bonjour de l'hexagone 🇫🇷
    Hâte de revenir a Québec dès que possible 😁
    Je note le nom, pourrais être utile a termes.
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    @osx94 ils viennent tout juste de terminer la bêta... Mais les prix restent quand même moins cher que certains compétiteurs :)
    Donc ça vaut la peine d'y jeter un coup oeil!
    Ce qui est nice, c'est que tu peux changer de forfait comme bon te semble à tous les mois, et que les données non utilisées sont transférées à ton mois suivant.
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