  • 2
    This is the sign that there’s a problem with the system that handles the password. Or that it’s old, because unicode support is standard
  • 3
    No special characters??

    Even if someone doesn't want to use special characters, it should certainly be allowed.

    If it is just lower and upper characters plus numbers at 6 characters there is just 58^6 possibilities.
  • 2
    But why, aren't you just making more work for yourself as a developer with not accepting special chars.

    Because when you hash and salt it, it does not matter right what the input was? Because you store the hash.

    Or am I missing something
  • 1
    @MisterArie as long as the special characters are in latin1, there should be no problem.
  • 1
    @Yamakuzure Why would that be. If you hash it, it'll never go outside of the hash's output scope, and most algos will stay Ascii and are valid for latin1; whatever charset you feed the algorithm.... (so, let's up that to utf-8)
  • 0
    what are you talking about, it's still 2004 isn't it ?
  • 0
    @xewl my thoughts were more with transporting the input. (user charset versus Server charset)
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