
My PC when I use it: "..."

My PC when I look at something on my phone: *gentle fan hum*

My PC when I resume activity : "..."

My PC, 5 minutes after leaving it: **VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV**

** sits down, still big fan blowing, open up the task manager to see what's bugging the system **

** PC calms down **

I have an overly attached PC?

  • 7
    Haha exactly what i noticed yesterday.. What are you going to do?
  • 46
    Gotta be silent.
    uses phone.
    Gotta be a little less silent.
    Walks off PC.
    Gets back to PC.
    OH SHIT! *silences*
  • 26

    I don't know, it seems the system detects some user idle-ness, and does some maintenance tasks - it's funny though when i open the task manager how it suddenly calms down haha "OH SHIT HERE HE COMES HIDEEEEE"
  • 9
    My laptop does this when I run Windows on it. The fan rarely ever spins when I'm booted to Linux.
  • 7
    I had the same phenomena. I found out it is the .net runtime optimization service running on a low priority process. it is precompiling .net assemblies and can be turned off.
  • 4
    I had the same and in my case it was some idle task. But there are some malware miners that only activate when idle so the user doesn't notice
  • 3
    Maybe a *coin miner which detects when your pc is idle, better do an offline scan on all your drives
  • 4
    I had this today and it was Windows Update checking.
    Actually I think it's nice they do these things when I am not using the computer.
    Although working under load is okay these days, like under Linux, it would be death when gaming.

    ... But I like the idea that my computer is just overly attached... 😁
  • 1
    Inb4 it turns out it's mining
  • 3
    @Awlex most processes that caught my glimpse before terminating upon my return to the computer are the Windows Updater and Chrome's software reporter. These two form a nice couple of "let's make fan hum more", but prefer being discrete, ashamed by their actions

    Otherwise, most of the time, my PC doesn't make much noise
  • 1
    In that case just casual data mining 🤔
  • 2
    It wants you to come back ⁦❤️⁩
  • 0
  • 0
    I guess your pc is needs some python instead of that javascript
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