
Love it when my mom comes in my room and says “I know it doesn’t seem like it but your dad does love you”👌👌👌😔

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    Welcome to devrant
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    Honestly, I'm genuinely interested.

    Can we get some backstory as to why this happened?
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    Sounds familiar.

    Mine was an abusive and insulting piece of crap I could never please. Straight A's, amazing projects, accomplishments, a high-paying job, winning contests... nothing mattered unless it was me working on classic cars, while beating him in classic car trivia, and somehow mutating into the son he wanted but never got.

    Instead, he ignored me as best he could, and turned violent -- usually towards me -- whenever something in his life went wrong, or whenever I was doing something he didn't like. He needs to shovel snow but broke the shovel? Better beat his daughter! She's reading a book instead of doing homework? Better throw her around by her hair! She's dating a girl? Better scream at her in public and steal her computer for three months. That'll fix her.

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    @Root Sorry to hear. There should be a parents license.
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    @Kooseh 💛
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    I really have owsome parents...
    Even with their flaws.
    I'm so sorry @mallori and @Root , I can't imagine myself in your place because with the problem I had recently I would be dead by now. My parents are the reason I can't commit suicide...
    Well... Who isn't on board doesn't matter... Focus on the parent that deserves it, and learn how to ignore the fucker from your life's...

    My family isn't perfect, My fucking godmother is a charlatan and chronic liar, my granddad was such a bad person I never cared about him (tryed to kill me when I was like 10, he would call my mom hore every day, one day I replied and he tryed to kill me). I had and have no feelings for them except rage. Rage becomes an armor, your father stops behing blood to be the fucker you have to deal with and he won't disappoint you anymore.
    Sorry for the long post
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    In a utopia, such person's like dad's and mom's that abuse, physically, emotionally or sexualy of their sun's should be esterilized and not allowed to even work with kids... Child molesters should have their dick cut off and carry a location device for the rest of their life's.
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    No that I'm of the parent side of life for some years I must say:" Kids can drive you crazy"

    As Developer I have to say:"Where is the debug mode? Console.log()? Nothing realy?"


    Hard work.
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    Really unfortunate when it's your mom who has to say that.. the idea that it needs to be explicitly said at all.. family can be a pain sometimes. If only family could be chosen, or procreation could be outlawed unless being certified to be able to properly raise your child. That'd probably solve overpopulation too.

    If I may ask, what's your age? If you're above 18 you could probably get yourself an apartment and cut ties with your parents altogether. I severed my ties with my father at age 15 (which was quite easy as my parents divorced when I was 12 or 13-ish.. can't quite remember) and with my mother a couple of months ago, after I got so sick of the fact that she discarded me pretty much completely at age 16, even left me to stay homeless and "deal with it" at age 18, and suddenly when I get my life back on track and got myself a nice apartment, all of a sudden she started approaching me again. The bastard and the bitch could die and I honestly wouldn't give a damn at this point. Blood bonds, that's all they are to me at this point.

    On a brighter note though, welcome to devRant! Any issues you may come across, venting is what this place is mainly for :D so rant ahead!!
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    @Root it's sad. I never believed parents like this do exist. Looks I was living in a fairy land then.

    My parents were easy. All it needed to was be good in whatever I was doing and that something must lead to a good career. From science to maths to computers, they were with me. It's same with my sisters. Except dating. They were strict at this, with me and sisters.
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    Pretty sure it’s the lesbian part. Maybe about 70% sure.
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    @monzrmango @Root I thought I remembered something related to this, then I found this:
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    Nevermiiiiiind, maybe it's the 'daughter' part then, aka your dad needs to stop being a douche and accepts he had a daughter that was raised right instead of a son(?).
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    @Root I am sorry for this one 😅

    @monzrmango maybe it(dating the girl) was another attempt to please the lord 😂
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    @monzrmango The physical abuse started when I was 7, long before I even considered dating. It lasted until I was 18. (The rest of it lasted until I cut them out of my life.)

    I didn't start dating girls (seriously) until i was like 16. My first girlfriend was at like 14 but it was childish and silly. So this absolutely wasn't the source of the abuse. It did make things much worse, though.
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    @monzrmango @sauronjs What? No no no. Though I can see how it would look that way from these two rants.

    I'm in an open relationship with my girlfriend and we both want kids. She had this one.
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    @Root Sorry again if it hurt.

    I was not implying anything, just tried add some humour(failed at sarcasm 😰) based on [Electra_complex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...).

    I added that link to your rant because this thread was not adding completely to what I knew.
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    @sauronjs Eep. I swear that Freud guy was fascinated with dicks.
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    @Root CRACKHEAD.

    If I learned something in my mythology class, it was this dude was a crack addict and how to use a condom. #college
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    @Root yeah whatever you believe LOL
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    @Stuxnet That explains a lot of things 😅
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    @Root My professor asked us to put "condoms and opera" on his rate my professor just to fuck with his future students 😂😂😂

    This guy's hilarious. One of my favorite professors bc he makes it easy as possible but also entertaining.
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    @Stuxnet omg he sounds awesome haha
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    @rutee07 why do people often tend to get so violent when they're drunk.. I've never been able to wrap my head around that. I mean, I'm pretty much an alcoholic at this point but I never turn violent when I'm drunk. Here it's usually me fucking up my servers or deleting my devRant account or something like that instead 🤔
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    @Condor @rutee07
    3 Types of drunk people.
    The Duracell drunk, Doesn't stop dancing in Clubs, does all the party, Is the best to have in a go out, worst as your partner unless your also a Duracell drunk.
    The Leave me alone (you), The more he/she drinks, the more quiet, It's the best to have a deep conversation while also drunk.
    The Extremist... Violent people with a second personality, when drunk doesn't have any kind of empaty even for the own familly, it's arrogant and egocentric and it's the kind that starts bar fights, the most likelly to drive while drunk, even if can barelly walk, usually turned to drinking to drawn some personal problem and lots of times blaims his/her own familly for that.
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    @GyroGearloose interesting! I never thought about it like that.
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