Chrome is getting its ass whooped and then crying like a whiny bitch.
Using 90.1% of CPU.

PS: I have a i7 8th gen processor.

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    PPS: I am loving it.
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    Why is chrome being controlled by automated test software? And what does that software do?
  • 0
    @DrPitLazarus I am new to all these but afaik Geb Spock is a framework which uses Selenium Web Driver to automate UI tests. The browsers which are supported in Selenium can be used to trigger actions. Chrome is one of them.
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    A typical Windows issue.
    Switch to Mac... You won`t yell ever again like a whiny bitch
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    @noms89 it's not a window issue I think, Geb is unable to control the background process after it's done.
  • 4
    You must have photoshopped that picture. Chrome never consumes that little ram.
  • 2
    @electrineer these are the background processes. Foreground ones are taking around 1.4Gigs.
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    @noms89 only to get overpriced hardware, shit technical support, countless bad design issues and other problems because of apple being apple? Linux is a much better choice. Also firefox is better than chrome because it doesn't track your every move.
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    I gotta feeling that since the last Update the task Manager shows wrong stats. Yesterday my Spotify used 90% from my Gtx 1070 and Overwatch 5%. I dont thing thats right :D
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    @MangoSven maybe spotify used your gpu for mining
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    @electrineer Could be but I got my usually FPS so I doubt it
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    Wtf is that shady process Name. You probably got ratted
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    Well, mal/spyware often consumes a lot of resources so this isn't surprising...
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    @linuxxx Not really. Miners maybe, for trojans/keyloggers this is not the case.
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    @Kyu96 Notice the "often" part, I didn't say always :P
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    @linuxxx malwares or spywares are persistent. They dont leave you if you just end task. But here, it stopped once I ended the procesess. Worked fine in normal use.
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    @Kyu96 @dreadedghoul don't ya newcomers know that @linuxxx considers Google products spyware
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    @electrineer hahaha, yes I do, it just skipped my mind for a while
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    @electrineer Yup haha, the second they step out of the prism mass surveillance program and start explaining to their users in understandable language what data they collect and stop tracking everyone/everything they can, I might consider it less malwareish ;)
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