
What are your thoughts on Bootstrap?

  • 1
    Awesome if you don't want to do anything *too* clever.
  • 3
    I really don't mind it, but I'm not a designer, so it just makes my life easier.

    But I hear that most designer types are like @Letmecode and wish it would die in a fire
  • 0
    It depends on how you implement is. ASDA's website is a really good example how not to do it, but I've seen plenty well-done sites too.
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    when you stop supporting the current version before the next one is anywhere close to beta...
  • 0
    The nice thing about BS is that it standardizes the way many common UI features are marked up. Once everything is built using vanilla BS you can customize everything and recompile.
  • 3
    Well, I know some people ( @Oussama) who can use it to make some cool shit.
    And I know that some peeps are planning on handling the bloated part of it all in a very elegant manner ;)
  • 0
    Great for admin sites that the public will never see.
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    @Letmecode Too bad I can't ++ more than once.
  • 0
    I love it but have to use a third party form building app that has used BS as a base and then corrupted a lot of the key principles of BS by inbreeding these own bastard CSS. It's my biggest gripe with the app as when you want to implement something to help users you have to fight against there CSS to get the BS to behave...
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