Some one is a pro in awk language ?

  • 3
    Depends. Do you need a pro or someone good enough?
  • 2
    Yes someone is.
  • 0
    I need someone who mastery it 😁 @nektikras
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    Aho Weinberger Kernighan
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    I remember a couple of years ago i experimenting on web data extraction task i use wget or something to download the page, and pipe them into awk and export it to a csv or something. That is stupid i think, but i still can do a couple of thing with awk 😂
  • 3
    Don't ask meta questions, just tell us what you need.
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    I need to open a zip in memory and browse all directory and all file in these directory and if it find another zip this is doing it again .
    It need to be a executable ( awk -f script.awk ) and all in memory.
    It's an exercice but i stay locked i don't find a lot of awk programmers on google.😵
  • 0
    That sounds like a pure memory nightmare.
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    @Guillaumez is this supposed to be awk-only or can zip command be used?
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    can use bash command but in the awk programm @netikras
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    @Guillaumez you don't need a pro for that 😁😁
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    @netikras can you help me please i don't understand how it work 😊😱🤕🐒
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