
Me : I'll make a small game in an hour or so.

12 hours later

Me: It's almost done just need to fix some collision

6 hours later

Me: Just need to fix the speed .

12 hours later

Me : ... the game, it is not finished yet ...

  • 2
    Hey but look how much you did in a few days. I think that is cool.
  • 1
    then people say that it only counts as a worthy project if it gets finished, even though you haven't slept in 36 hours...
  • 1
    well tbh a "small" game (aka something that's passable) is probably going to take ~100 hours to get to completion
  • 1
    It's just Parkinson law, if you said that you made a game in a month, you would have taken 6 months
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