Any other noob coder here trying to gain the mindset of the pros, enjoy the environment although he doesn't get half the jokes and rants, and trying to fake it till he make it? (:^/)

  • 15
    In this industry, you constantly return to noob status. Those who mock you for it are just being dicks.
  • 6
    Welcome! :)

    "your first ++"
  • 4
    Welcome! Eventually you will get the jokes, just spend enough time in the field :)
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    @AleCx04 I've got a group of friends I constantly refer to with these jokes and rants and damn I've learned a lot!
  • 9
    @monkeyboy Truth.

    Though the basics never change; work on perfecting those, and you can pick up the rest again pretty quickly.

    Other best advice: learn a variety of languages, frameworks, etc. Everything will teach you something different, and you can apply much of it everywhere. Learn C. Learn Ruby. Learn JS. Learn Lisp. Learn Haskell. Frameworks are less important, but many of them teach you better/different patterns.

    Also, read coding books, and read other people's code. Look at the source of large projects like jQuery, Chromium, the Linux kernel. You don't have to study and understand it all, but look at how it is written. Then try writing that way yourself.

    You will improve so much so quickly 😊
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    @Root I’d definitely go the other way. Learning a bit of C, a bit of Ruby, and a bit of Java means you’re not employable in either. My advice would be to stick with one language, coz at least 70% of concepts are transferable. Depth first, breadth second, is my advice.
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    @Root damn madam that was awesome! :-bd
  • 3
    Boons get cast to (void *).

    Just kidding.
    @Root has preached 😉
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    @piehole If you stick with one language, you don't learn things other languages will teach you.

    Tables from LUA, Go's exception system, high level OOP and chaining/meta approaches from Ruby, pointers and memory management in C, async goodness from JS, not to mention all of the veritable alien concepts from Lisp and Haskell.

    You will learn none of these of you only use Java.

    If you're worried about being employable: pick your favorite and focus more on that one. Simple.
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    @piehole yeah that's true you have to be expert in one area but from my own experience in other areas rather than coding, getting to know some neighbor subjects will give you lots of "aaaaw... so that's why" moments
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    @PonySlaystation hahaha *fakes a laugh and nods awkwardly while not getting the joke*
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    @Root But things in other languages are, most likely, in the language you choose as well. In all OOP, you have functions, objects, data structures... A language doesn't teach you much, you learn what the textbook/tutorial/whatever shows you.

    Java has exceptions, Java has maps, you don't need to learn Go and Lua for that... Are there specifics to exceptions in Go? Sure, why not... When you come for an interview, though, they won't ask you "tell me about Go's exceptions", they'll ask you about the concepts of exceptions. What are they, how do you use them, when... What's an exception in Go is just an implementation detail.

    When someone jumps from language to language as a beginner, that's just a waste of time. "I've learned 3 languages, and I'm learning my fourth now" means "I learned 3 syntaxes that I've already forgotten, and I can't stick with one thing" -> a red flag.
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    @koorosh-m True. But the "aha" moments come with learning, not necessarily with "learning related things". What I mean is, you may as well have the same moments going deeper and deeper into one subject, as you may accidentally stumble upon them learning something else.

    The question is, what's your end goal.. If your end goal is to have fun, pff, you do what you find fun. If your end goal is to have a job as quickly as possible, "learning as many languages as possible" is simply nonsense. Objectively.
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    @piehole I believe what you are saying is that it's not about the syntaxes and in how many languages u can say it, but rather what is it that u are capable of saying. Yes, as a newbie I have to be careful not to get tangled in the surface. thanks man!
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    @piehole You cannot learn everything if you only see things from one perspective.

    Also, I'm not talking about newbies spending two weeks per language and moving on -- you can't learn anything actually useful in only two weeks. I'm talking about an attitude and a means of learning that you continually apply to your entire life.
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    Dont fake it
    # make it.sh
  • 2
    Most successful people I know don't judge by ability, they judge by attitude and work ethic.

    So, nobody's really faking anything if they are genuinely applying themselves to getting better everyday

    work ethic and attitude is the key

    everyone is just at different points along the same line

    as long as you are actually on that line and don't have your head up your ass
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