OK - Time to settle this for me. What is up with PHP? Everyone seems to detest it, however when I talk about NodeJs or Python, people say that they are inefficient. So is PHP an efficient mess?

  • 8
    PHP is just ugly as hell. So is JS actually, but for different reasons.
    Python is the slowest of them on the web.

    All of them are slow when compared to compiled languages.

    But more importantly, it doesn't matter as long as you create something and try to make it good.
  • 8
    @Jilano And just because you dislike something doesn't mean it's shit.

    Another concept people forget.
  • 1
    @Jilano idk I think being efficient might be more important than having a positive opinion on something.

    We'll have to find a middle ground on who goes first lol
  • 2
    Because every language is shit in its own clusterfuckery way

    You can't please everyone, so everything gets hate
  • 5
    I like PHP xD

    Yeah I got nothing informative to add
  • 11
    People hate what they do t understand. PHP is a beast that doesn’t give a fuck what you build or how you build it, it has 1 job, build and run what ever you throw at it - and damn does it do that well.

    Because of this, you end up seeing god awful implementations by poorly restrained developers who probably need a lesson or 20 in clean code fundamentals and how to actually structure code, and the tutorials to kill someone over, but I love it anyway, I have not found a use case or tool I could not use PHP when it comes to the web.
  • 6
    @AndSoWeCode hey! Keep me out of this!
  • 2
    This sums it nicely. Probably a little outdated, but still a good read:
  • 4
    @Jilano I gotcha
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