If you woke up tomorrow and it was the year 2000, but you only remembered tech stuff from the future. What would you do?

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    Build Facebook and Uber overnight.

    And maybe Buy lots of Google shares if I had the money.

    Then sit back and wait for my bank to tell me I have hit 100B
  • 3
    short shares of .com companies,
    invest in Google,
    invest in PayPal,
    invest in apple,
    start YouTube,
    circa 2005, start something like Facebook,
    tell everyone of the 9/11 attack on 9/10,
    live life like a billionaire, chase models and travel the world,
    retire at 25 and die at 27 (cause that's when all the cool people die)
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    Teach my younger self everything I know for the next 10 years
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    Patent cell phone technology
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    Start mining bitcoin!
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    Write a book, and start teaching people Agile methods.
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    Be natoshi Sakamoto and invent crypto currency or mine the heck out of them when they were being handed out like air....
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    @tysa I fear telling everyone about 9/11 on 9/10 would land you in prison, buddy. What are you going to say, you're from the future? :)
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    @fmi11 I will make anonymous posters and if I get caught I'd say I am a close associate if Bush, who did 9/11
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    I'd go to a developer meetup and say sorry folks, but in 16 years you'll still all be typing JavaScript into vim.
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    I'd email Eric Lippert and inform him that they're going to regret implementing array covariance
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