  • 38
    Am i the only one who doesn't see the whole buying thing as a bad thing ? All i can see is better github integration in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, and better desktop github clients.
  • 11
    @illegaldisease no, On one side Github requires the resource Microsoft has and Microsoft has been trying to whitewash their image towards dev friendly Env & open source since Nadella era.
    However, They are part of the mass surveillance program and how they plan to play is unclear yet.
  • 7
    @thekaleidoscope Why is it a bad thing that they trying to whitewash themselves ? It means they admit that they were really bad with everything and they try to fix it.

    They are not stupid, they are aware of the hate towards them.

    Mass surveillance ? Absolute end users enjoy it and it is their the biggest money source. Don't use their operating systems if you don't want to get monitored.
  • 9
    @illegaldisease very true, however i think its a moral principle that software meant to track users unconsentually is cruel and unjust
  • 1
    @thekaleidoscope why did you put IT’S in all caps and not the other words?
  • 11
    @illegaldisease No it was trendy to hate on this lol

    A lotta people got salty because MS did what they wanted MS to do: support open source software.
  • 7
    @Stuxnet Trendy to hate ? So nowadays people don't even decide what to love or hate themselves ? Very interesting, how far have we fallen :(
  • 1
    @illegaldisease nope - since the announcement and now the user base increased by 3 million users.
  • 2
    @dsteiner User base of any product can be misleading as hell. You gotta take popularity increase to account, to make more solid clarification.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil 's name made me think of this... At least Google didn't buy github
  • 6
    Oh no, this topic again. They spend billions on GitHub. What do you think they are going to do?

    CEO: Let's fuck this platform so we just wasted a lot of money.
    Other boardmembers: uh, mmh, yeah why not.
  • 1
    @Haxk20 Erm... You mean a private gitlab repo, right? Because otherwise, everbody has your code. ^^

    GitHub lead wanted to sell for years, and now the biggest provider of open source software repositories bought. That's somehow quite logical.

    Just imagine what could have happened if Oracle would have bought GitHub...

    Microsoft didn't turn into saints all of a sudden. It's still a giant tech company after all. But if the outcome of this deal is just some more (even more) Visual Studio (online) integeration and Azure bridging or something like that, I am all good.

    And no, they won't start fiddling with private repos. That's where GitHub makes its money after all.
  • 1
    @AnonymousMooCow that would be hell
  • 4
    @dontbeevil instability (a BSOD every few days, awesome isn't it?) tracking (nothing to hide, right?), forced updates (I'll do my updates at my own pace, thank you), and overall usage experience (nearly everything I do with it makes it seem so much like the IE of operating systems). Along with Microsoft trying to shaft its users because totally every Windows user is a non-technical idiot who can't use their PC on their own.. totally. But yeah I use Windows 10 on a daily basis (unfortunately, thanks Nvidia 😑) but the hate is all for the 90s versions. I've ran Windows 98 long ago. It was more stable than Windows 10. No idea what drugs MS took lately, but considering that it resulted in that clusterfuck of an OS, it can't be good!
  • 3
    @illegaldisease As you might have seen from the snowden leaks, some companies like Microsoft and Facebook (and Google and some more) are (forcefully) integrated within worlds biggest mass surveillance program ran by America's biggest surveillance agency.

    Every service those companies run is integrated within this surveillance program.

    Now that github has joined microsoft, they'll be integrated as well (whether Microsoft wants that or not) (something with secret court orders).

    This is the reason why I'm fully blocking Github from now on. (Gitlab as well since they're ran on Google cloud).

    Self hosted still exists!
  • 0
    I shouldn’t have opened this thread... Anyone wants a tinfoil hat?
  • 3
    Yeah. Windows 10 is soooo unstable. Haven't seen a blue screen ever since Windows XP, but one one ocassion where it was my fault.

    Don't want to defend Microsoft, I am a Linux guy after all.
    All I am saying is, that user experience varies greatly.

    Comes from using an OS that depends partly on the quality of drivers the myriad of hardware vendors provide...
  • 0
    @irene really ? Last time ( 2 months ago ) i still needed to install a plugin into Visual Studio, so it changed. Visual studio code still doesnt have it built in, last checked 3 days ago.
  • 0
    @irene Sorry, but i can't see vscode as a bare text editor anymore. It is between an idea and text editor for me. There is a plugin for github for pull requests, too. So i will console myself into that.
  • 0
    Sooo... When do we get privat repositories included in Office365?
  • 0
    @irene It is pointless to argue over it. Code editor or not, who cares ? The way vscode is good.
  • 0
    @irene I like to not stick to its initial definition and give it more meaning than i should 🙃
  • 0
    @irene exactly 🙊
  • 4
    it's still hilarious how afraid people are of MS stealing their open source code.

    be realistic, mates.
  • 2
    @Haxk20 Right, I’m assuming that you don’t use mobile phones, card payments and loyalty programs either
  • 0
  • 1
    All I'm afraid of is removal of some countries from students package, rise in fees for pro pack and data loss

    Thinking to learn more about self hosted git and dyn-dns
  • 2
    To the windows fanboys, you know you are wrong... Aren't you?
    Less support for different file systems, forced and sometimes bad updates, finding money in every damn product, slow UI, and more...

    I just don't want myself to remember that shit to list more points
  • 0
    @gitlog if you find any Windows Fanbois, please tell. 😉
  • 0
  • 0
    Who tf forgot that you can't talk about windows on devrant without the Linux Boys declaring war
  • 3
    @Yamakuzure There's at least one here, and he goes by Google's deprecated slogan.

    There areothers, but I can't tell just how far up the rainbow they've gone. The aforementioned fanboy, though? Cortana installed herself in his brain. He is beyond saving.
  • 0
    @Haxk20 you could rock a Nokia 3310, if it’s under your name you’re constantly being tracked

    Where do you live where Bitcoin is universally accepted?
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