  • 5
    Keep dreaming
  • 4
    Code shouldn't be documented. Code should be well-written so that documentation isn't needed.
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    In the form of comment packed code maybe.
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    Like 'literate programming'?
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    @benzammour what kind of documentation are you referring to?
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    @DefiniteGoose that is only needed in very severe cases
  • 2
    don't really think that'll change. we'll always have lazy devs (including me).
  • 1
    @fdgram either write the good code or put the fukin comments.

    Since former is mostly not done so **put the fukin comments**.
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    @sauronjs or you move somewhere where people don't write shite code
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    @fdgram I have never seen a code good enough for the comments to be skipped, including my own.
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    @sauronjs time to learn software engineering then :)
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    @fdgram if you're working in a start up, you never get enough time to design carefully and code. You just design what works, readable to dumbs and scalable enough to work for few years.

    In my current company, I sure get enough time and use it good. I document everything I come across. I believe, I get better when I document because it becomes easier to read my own code. Also, I spend less time type checking when I am writing JS code(yes we don't use typescript). Also, autocomplete looks super when you see whole description of functions in popup and don't need to `CTRL + CLICK` to check what the fuck it's actually doing.
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    @fdgram trust me, you can never learn enough software engineering to skip documentation. Remember the last time when you checked, what are all the parameters of concat do and what does it do in different conditions.
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