So I met this guy, who thinks PHP is better than node.

Me : **ignores and moves on**

  • 21
    It depends on the person writing it ;;;;;;;;;))))))))))))))))))
  • 6
    @Linux That face looks a tiny bit fucked up ;;;;;;;;;;;;}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  • 22
    I saw this guy who enjoys RAM hungry applications instead of PHP.

    He’s still buying more RAM.
  • 6
    This: $
    And this: ->

    Why god, why?
  • 18
    So i met this guy who thinks universally "better" solutions exist
  • 1
    @hell That's just a way to differentiate between types and relations.. We came from a very sequential structure, though they implemented OO over that, and those old scripts should still work perfectly despite some deprecation solving..

    Strict ftw (:
  • 2
    @xewl I know, I just can't stand its syntax :)
  • 4
    @hell use static methods if that really drives you crazy.

    -> becomes ::

    As for the $, well every language has its pain points.
  • 2
    @hell return STAND ?: SIT; 🤣
  • 0
    Because you can't have a personal opinion?
  • 7
    @C0D4 You must like Laravel too... recommending to use static methods just so -> will be written as :: is a terrible advice, there is a reason and a place where static methods should be used, using them unnecessarily can really take a toll on your codebase.
  • 0
    @hell Do you like JS's syntax? Especially how objects are defined?
  • 0
    If you ask me, the only syntax I like is python
  • 3
    and Yes, PHP is better than Node.js, have you seen the benchmarks for PHP 7+?

    Are you aware that Async frameworks exist for php, like Amphp, swoole, reactphp etc.

    And with type strict option, it truly makes it whole.
  • 0
    @mega6382 it was a suggestion to deal with someone’s phobia of syntax rather then just suck it up and deal with it. Not advice by any means.
  • 0
  • 3
    So I met this guy using Node
    His backend is using gigabytes of RAM ;;;;;;;;;;;)))))))))))))
  • 0
    @mega6382 benchmarks are not a great a great source. GoLang is much faster, but it doens't mean it's better. I love it, but it is limited in some aspects, as is every language.
  • 0
    I just created a http server in PHP using EventBase, EventHTTP class. I dont know why it is still blocking
  • 0
    @DawidCyron Sure, but as I also mentioned, that you have the ability to write non-blocking I/O applications in php, which was the only selling point of Node.js, and same can also be done in ruby and python.
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