At new work, I am supposed to use Windows. So I need to learn how to Dev on Windows. Google is not helping.

Image for reference. And the list goes on...

  • 12
    And almost all those reasons are very biased.

    I have been developing on both windows and linux for over 20 years and while linux might be a better platform for running servers on many cases, dev tools have generally been better on linux.

    Remember, while windows and office was the cash cows of ms, they started out developing basic compilers and runtimes and has always been among the leading ide developers since visual basic came.

    And the picked up some of the leading dev before that like the developer of turbo pascal that later designed c#

    And now with not core you can develop on windows and run anywhere :)
  • 6
    Google Windows subsystem for linux
  • 2
    Of course there are not many articles how to do the transition Linux -> Windows. Because on server, nobody does that, and on desktop, shit just works. It's not like under Linux that still fucks up trivial shit like two monitor display, depending on your graphics card, kernel and moon phase, and you don't have to compile Wifi drivers.

    I have made the switch in both directions several times (e.g. Linux only for years in the early 2000s), so I can compare that from experience.
  • 1
    Why you have to use Windows, coorporate policy or something more specific?
  • 1
    @myss corporate policy
  • 7
    Just remember that Windows isn't Linux and that trying to bend Windows into doing Linux-style stuff (like extreme customization) isn't going to go well. For tasks, there are Windows ways of doing just about everything you can on Linux (minus above-mentioned stuff), learn and respect the philosophy of the OS's design (just like you wouldn't run Linux the way you'd run Windows, because it's just designed with a different philosophy in mind). Also if you can block the telemetry rubbish that'd be great, lol.

    Also, you might want to look into something like AutoHotkey to speed up your work.
  • 2
    @RememberMe this is actually a first comment that helped me in some way. I will look at the AutoHotkey. Thanks.
    I never ment to start a discussion of Linux vs Windows, I just found it funny I couldn't find any articles
  • 1
    @Zejnilovic autohotkey is great. Also have a look at windows-10-Virtual-Desktop-enhancer on github
  • 0
    Have a look at this article, Its got a Dev Section. It may help you reduce the pain > https://medium.com/@Yazdipour/...
  • 0
    @Zejnilovic there is also an package manager using PowerShell, https://chocolatey.org
  • 1
    Ask me anything! I'm developing on Windows since 3 years.
  • 2
    Poor thing hahahaha
  • 0
    @RememberMe @Zejnilovic for the telemetry blocking, i seriously recommend shutup10 (assuming you're going to use win10) https://oo-software.com/en/...
  • 1
    @Skayo how to uninstall binbows?
  • 0
    delete some stuff in regedit and that should do it
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