how am i supposed to be interested in a company if they list all the requirements of what skills i HAVE TO HAVE, they list EVERYTHING except HOW MUCH FKING MONEY THEY PAY?

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    @AchilleMe dont just upvote me ENLIGHTEN ME
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    Some companies do list the salary, some don't. I don't think there should be a requirement for them to do so in order for people to apply for a role.

    IMO, the job description and how interesting the company would be to work for are far more important than the salary. You should be able to learn more about that once you get through the first hurdles - after all, this is a good way of filtering out those who aren't genuinely interested in the job.

    If they don't offer the ability to negotiate the salary later on ... now that's a completely different story.
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    @bnjns I feel the issue with this mindset could be a lot of applicants could be wasting their time to find out a company won't offer them a salary they deem acceptable which could have been mitigated at the earliest stage.

    Sometimes salary can be equally as important as the content of the job itself as much as it shouldn't be.
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    @BashouT Good point. But the same could be true of companies and having to filter through a mass of applicants who are only in it for the money. There's nothing stopping you from asking, though.

    Personally, I feel that you should be able to get a good feel of how much the company might be intended to spend by understanding the size of the company, department, projects and from the level of seniority that the job description is asking for. Although I will conceded that companies will take the mick and be very unrealistic.

    I certainly don't feel that an applicant is entitled to know the salary when applying (although there should be nothing stopping you from enquiring), and I consider that to be a nice addition, rather than viewing the absence of a salary as a negative.
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