People out there are getting married, having kids, dating their crush and here I am staring at gradle build to finish with 32 errors and 10 warnings,life is that easy 😐

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    @irene sad life 😢
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    @irene yes 😀🙌
  • 2
    This is so relatable... 😔
  • 6
    Trust me. Is better to deal with your building errors than your wife.
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    @Chanchalv18 Waiting for Gradle to complete is much better than your crush/spouse asking you to report your progress at all times, else your life is failure.
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    @sunnyDeveloper yes that's what I said Android developer's life is that easy 😀😀
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    Be happy and content with what you have...if the opportunity rises,strive for more....that's my motto!
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    Wait until the guys with kids get divorce raped. Then they'll be just as single as you, but bankrupt.
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    @irene the process in Western countries where a divorce totally screws the man, and only the man. Basically no rights, only pay slave. Familiy courts are totally sexist.

    The defence (besides staying single): don't date women who earn much less, AND don't have children.
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