I have discovered a fresh hell

Some guy I’ve never met or heard of in the office lobbed a comment at one of my *approved and merged* pull requests. He doesn’t say anything specific, only that my REST urls are not in line with naming convention. That’s all he says, and I’ve already walked the URL consumers through the code and given them the URLS.

I’m really annoyed that this guy won’t just say what he has in mind, but fine whatever this is a professional environment and developers are not known for being a diplomatic people. Let it go and get your work done!

I do some googling and find an obvious change that needs to happen- I implement it, open a new pull request and inform my URL consumers of the change.

This rando still isn’t satisfied and still won’t say what needs to change. I am on round 3 of this wonderful cycle and this guy is acting all fuckin HAUGHTY about it. “Here is a list of conventions I found googling, you should read them even if it takes 4 hours because it will benefit your career”

Sure dog you’re probably right on that one but we are in a professional environment and at this point you are holding up production so you can wave your dick around! Just SAY WHAT YOU MEAN SO WE CAN MAKE THE CHANGES AND GET OUR WORK DONE

  • 4
    Nice use of the word Haughty
  • 1
    "Sure dog you’re probably right on that one but we are in a professional environment and at this point, you are holding up production so you can wave your dick around!"

    Standards and Conventions exist in order to make things work in an expected reproducable way where anyone else who works on it knows exactly what to expect.

    Its not nothing to do with being in a professional environment, its a dick move to ignore the standard, do your own thing and then complain that you just want to push to production and be done with it. Makes everyone elses life harder because you wanted to do it your own way.
  • 14
    @unclekev I think the point he is making is that the guy won't let him know HOW he broke convention. It's not constructive if he isn't showing how to fix the problem.
  • 1
    @hackedranger yes this is what I meant
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