
To all you fuckers out there giving bad app rating because some shit does not work on your shitty phone and you are to fucking lazy to report the bug via the fucking "send log to dev"-button that pops up with the exception.
Go fuck yourself.
And to all the user whose bugs I fixed and did not change their Bad rating - fuck you too.
And oh.. The fucktards that did not even install the app and give a Bad rating because i am your competitor - guess what...fuck you.

  • 3
    Well at my app you have a receipent. You just have to press send. The log files telle whats wrong you do not even have to write a god dann word
  • 3
    Read app reviews.

    Most of the negative ones are fucking stupid.
  • 1
    @Frederick i pass the exceptions to the user with a Kind of message box. You have the options "send to dev" and "i don't care". When you press send to dev an intent will be started.
  • 1
    Depends on when an exception happens. If it's in some common operation, then the bad rating may be justified because the conclusion is that the dev hasn't bothered to test the stuff. On top of that, unhandled exceptions in any kind of resource allocation are one of the hallmarks of immature code that shouldn't have made it to release.
  • 1
    Or, even better... 1 starring an app because it's lagging on a 10 year old phone.
    Seriously, I'm not saying those people should be killed, but there are people waiting for organ donations out there... 😠
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop i agree. But to not even read a handled exception which message could solve the issue or at least gives you the possibility to report and ignoring it is bad habit
  • 0
    @nebula yeah, a bug report would be nicer.

    However, I personally have stopped reporting bugs in OSS because bug reports are by and large ignored: works for me, don't care, fix it yourself, no time to fix, open source dev burnout.

    Two years later, the bug gets closed automatically without checking whether it still applies to the then current version. If it is fixed at all, then most probably by accident because the buggy code part has been completely rewritten.

    My reaction to "works for me" is "doesn't work for me", and since bug reporting won't get me working software, I instead look for another application that may do what I need. It's a pretty sad story.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop true that. Look at all those outdated git repos which are cloned a hundred times.

    To make it better i write to the user if my fix works for him.
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