
Please repeat after me:

"I will use 'Content-Disposition: attachment' whenever a file is supposed to be downloaded"

Write that sentence 100 times. Then re-read it every morning for at least one month.

Ahh, I don't even have the strength to rant. I'm so fucking tired of these shitty websites and web services. I should probably become an Amish.

  • 5
    On the other hand, I hate when I click a discord txt file and it downloads it instead of viewing it in the browser. >:(
  • 2
    @DrPitLazarus I prefer the ?dl=1 approach that Google Drive uses. It gives you the option to view certain files in the browser or download them directly
  • 1
    for(int i=0; i<101; i++)
    Console.Writeline(@"I will use 'Content-Disposition: attachment' whenever a file is supposed to be downloaded");
  • 1
    Though, for some reason Chrome's picky, or would that be because my co-worker has dyslexia and set it as "attachement" /ffs
  • 1
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