
Gathering all parts for building my first computer.

"nahh, I don't need a 'beautiful' case, i don't care about that stuff"

I am now searching for the most beautiful case I can find 😐

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    @Jilano Idk what I need tbh 😅 just a regular case I guess? Not building much special, just a new powerful enough computer :)
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    @Jilano I know that indeed but I've got no clue as for where to get the data to figure that out 😅

    I've got a good looking one which I'm thinking about but yeah, the top part 😅
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    This is the case I want lmao

    I'd link the video but I know you're not gonna wanna watch it 😂
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    Try looking at cases by Sharkoon!
    I got mine from them, it looks great.
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    Got myself one with a window and then ended up hating it, because to make it all nice looking I'd need a lot of cable extensions, so it is now just spaghetti with a side window 😂 make sure you can make it all fine, have the proper cable lengths, cable tunnels and all that jazz if you go with a window
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    I'm still a Fractal Design Define fan. But that's me
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    I'm with @irene on this one.
    I would take a Lian Li PC-O11 Dynamic or a CM H500P MESH over something pretty.
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    If you end up buying a pretty case, go all the way. Get plenty of that RGB puke(on the mobo,RAM,cooler,case,keyboard...) and all those braided custom lenght cables. And install a myst machine while you're at it.

    Did I drive in far enough my opinion about spending on looks?
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    If you don't know what you're looking for, ATX is the way to go.. or if you want to stuff in more hardware, something larger of course. But ATX should be able to fit in 2-3 PCI Express cards as well as the most common stuff.

    As for brands or designs, no idea. Utility and price are my most important factors when it comes to cases, as I'd tuck them away anyway. But if I wanted to have something pretty, I'd probably build my own. That way I could also optimize component positioning and whatnot. But that's of course a very tedious process.
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    @Condor Thing is my budget is quite limited :/
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    @linuxxx in that case, go cheap if your time is priceless, or custom if it isn't. If you go custom, go with wood. But be sure to isolate high voltage components away through long distance air gaps (1mm/100V is a good rule of thumb) or include strong insulators in between if need be. MDF is quite inexpensive and quite easy to work with, even without all of the necessary tools. I'm building my power supply project with 4mm MDF from one of the local home improvement stores, Gamma. The project will include 5 power rails, 3 AC-DC power supplies and 2 DPS5005 programmable power supplies. It'll all be enclosed in 4mm MDF, although all of the boards are held in their own metal enclosures for grounding and liability concerns if the insurance guy has to come for a burnt apartment (which I took care of but who knows, right).

    So yeah, custom, wood (with the required protection stuff because you don't want wood to ignite over a circuit fault). Otherwise, the cheapest metal you can find. €20 for a cheapo ATX should be a good rule of thumb.
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    I went for the quietest case I could find and settled for the Fractal Design R5 (4 years ago when I built my Hackintosh). It is HUGE and NOT that great to look at (can't see all my beautiful LEDs lol), but it does a decent job of isolating the sound while keeping things cool. I think mine has 2 fans on the front, 1 or 2 on the back, and 2 on top attached to a watercooler radiator for my CPU. http://fractal-design.com/home/...
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    Fractal design and CoolerMaster both have cheap-ish cases with good air flow.
    Because I'm cheap I went with deapcool on my last build and it's perfectly serviceable, just make sure to buy extra fans!
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    Shoe boxes can make pretty good cases... 🤷
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    I myself have the Fractal design r4, nice minimalistic box with sound depending foam on the inside 👍
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