Getting real fucking sick of shitty websites excessive security measures!

1. Username
2. Password
3. Captcha
4. Mandatory 2FA

We don't recognize your IP, please log into your email, click the link, get redirected and complete steps 1-4 again! Also the site will time out in 10 minutes if you aren't actively using it. Have a nice day!

Go fuck yourself.

  • 2
    I have been wondering how much of all this is actually needed
  • 6
    I would be willing to pay extra to Google or LastPass to not repeatedly log me out on my own devices, that are generally used on the same few networks and rarely leave the country. The checkbox says 30 days motherfucker.
  • 1
    This has LastPass written all over it
  • 2
    I don't see a problem. That might be slightly overkill but it's quick... That kind of security paranoia saved my email once.
  • 1
    I hope 2fa gets mandatory in form of Fido U2F anytime soon
    Every human that uses a computer should get one
    Phishing and social engineering would be dead, also safes the dumb users who manage to share their password somehow/tape it to the monitor
  • 1
    @Kimmax weren't those things closed source? Would love to get such a thing but bought one and the firmware appeared to be closed source so I never used it.
  • 2
    @linuxxx the U2F protocol is an open(source), collaborate effort developed under "Fido".
    Since it's open source, the hardware "token" options are theoretically endless.
    There are enterprise trusted ones, for example from Yubikey and other fully open sourced (hardware, firmware and software) ones, like from "U2F Zero".
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