Since fucking when did "bare metal" mean just running on an OS?? At a conference and literally everyone is like "we got kubernetes running on bare metal", got super excited for a bit because just the idea of that sounds amazing but they're using it as slang for "basically not in a container or vm."

Nothing exciting at all. Now we're patting ourselves on the back for getting software working without it being preconfigured as a container or a VM image. No one knows how to do anything any more. MUCH too much abstraction going on.

I guess it keeps me more employable, but the state of the world from a developer standpoint is just sad.

(For reference, this is what the first sentence of "Bare Metal" looks like on wikipedia "In computer science, bare machine (or bare metal) refers to a computer executing instructions directly on logic hardware without an intervening operating system.")

  • 7
    Well, that's actually the correct term used in the industry for years.

    You need a machine. You can either get a VPS, or "baremetal", which has 1 fewer layers of abstraction.

    But worry not. Even VPS are dying out as being too rigid. "Baremetal" is already a dinosaur.
  • 0
    I also knew it by the second definition, guess I've been doing it bare for a long time 😂
  • 2
    And now ELECTRON-based apps are considered native 🤦
  • 1
    That CS folks mostly don't know how to develop real "bare metal" is not new. In fact, CS devs have long been willfully ignoring that domain, which is why EE devs have taken over that industry.

    But that some people in CS don't even know what "bare metal" means, that's new indeed.
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